Man’s emerging divinity by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme In all history there has never been a time like the present. Never, in all the cycles which have left their mark on man’s evolution, has there been the same potential for change. This time, therefore, is unique. It portends a change in consciousness so dramatic and far-reaching that new definitions and vocabulary must evolve to describe man as he will become. The main factor in this profou...
The curse of commercialization by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme If men are to save this planet from the results of global warming they must do infinitely more than is planned to limit carbon emissions, and in a shorter period of time than is generally accepted as necessary. Men have been slow to recognize the dangers, and even now many refuse to take the problems seriously. Such attitudes, there is no doubt, put in jeopardy the future of planet Earth. At most...
The Moment Has Come by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme Eventually, men will realize that they are travelling together on a journey of Self-discovery, one which will bring them in time to the feet of the most holy. The essence of this journey of discovery is that it is self-enacted and willed, and at the same time is shared by all members, known and unknown, of the human family. True it is that all men are brothers, sons of the One Father, each engaged, consciously o...
Maitreya’s first interview by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 11 January 2009 In the very near future, people everywhere will have the opportunity to witness an extraordinary and significant sign, the like of which has been manifested only once before, at the birth of Jesus. Then, according to Christian teaching, a star appeared in the heavens and led three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. Soon, once again, a star-like lumin...
SHARE INTERNATIONAL NEWS RELEASE NO. 87, 11 DECEMBER 2008 CHRISTMAS MIRACLE For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles, and concluded:“People are hungry for signs.” Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world – night an...
Evolution versus creationism by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme Many people believe, or affect to believe, that this world as it stands today is not more than 5,000 years old; that Man and all the creatures of the animal kingdom and the rocks of the mineral kingdom were created in a few days, fully fledged and finished in all aspects. They hold that evolution is a myth, that the Christian Bible account of creation is literally true and correct. To accept s...
Man’s destiny by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme When men awaken to their true potential they will be amazed by the range of creativity which will become theirs. The audacity of their thought will at first astound them, and will lead them into enterprises all but unimaginable today. Men will find that they are, in truth, potential Gods. From the deep slumber of the past men will awaken and slough off the heavy coat of ignorance which for long has delayed the...
See Him and rejoice by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme Many times over the years have I said that Maitreya was emerging ‘soon’, and thus has this expectation been kept vividly alive in the hearts of millions. That His full emergence has not yet taken place is not a sign of perfidy on My part, but rather a result of the extraordinary nature and difficulty of this enterprise. Men in general know nothing of the laws which govern such an event, nor of th...
THE ONENESS OF HUMANITY by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme The time is soon coming when men will see for themselves that the direction on which they are now embarked is false, fruitless for their future happiness, and doomed to failure. Seeing this, they will pose the questions: Why this emptiness? Why do we fail to achieve the peace we seek? Where have we gone wrong? Turning then to Maitreya, they will evaluate His words, testing them for relevance t...
As Men Look Back by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme A few years from now, looking back, men will wonder why they hesitated so long in taking the obvious and most natural action: sharing the resources of the world. Experiencing warmly the new stability, the lack of tension, the ease of international co-operation, men will wonder how they could have been so blind to the self-evident, so wilful and destructive to their own best interests for so long. Human...
The cities of tomorrow by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme If and when a man of Mars lands his spacecraft on Earth and looks around him, he must surely be amazed by his surroundings. Unless his mission has taken him to the countryside, he will wonder how the people of Earth can tolerate the abject monotony and raw ugliness of so many towns and cities of the world. The teeming squalor of the poorest is matched only by the brash, arid rawness of the richest...
The people awaken by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme It may seem impossible to believe, or so much wishful thinking, but from the higher viewpoint of your Elder Brothers, significant changes for the better are taking place throughout the world. We see a growing movement towards unity and justice, and a growing realization of the absolute necessity for peace to reign if humanity is to continue on its path of evolution. This represents a huge step back fro...
A call to the media by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 12 January 2008 For many years men have awaited, impatiently to be sure, evidence that Maitreya does in truth exist, and carries out His work among us. Why this doubt should for so long persist is, perhaps, difficult to understand, given the vast transformations of our world which have clearly taken place, each one foretold by Maitreya, and made available to the public and world media. ...
The Earth in Travail by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme It may be said that at last some men are beginning to take seriously the dangers posed by global warming and the consequent climate changes that this is bringing about. It is true that there is much disagreement over the reality and extent of the dangers, and of the best means of approaching the problems which are agreed to exist. However, there is no doubt that some men, at least, are recognizing that men face a formid...