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Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.
Published on July 25, 2007 By
The turning of the wheel
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
When men realize how close to self destruction they have come, they will shudder to think of the consequences of their actions. Seldom has there been a time when men faced such danger. Even in the worst adversity they have fought and tested themselves against fate.
In recent times, however, men have so lost a sense of their direction that they have seemed oblivious to the danger facing them. That this danger and trial are largely of their own making is no doubt responsible for their equanimity and apparent indifference. When men know this, they will be astonished to learn how close to annihilation have their actions brought them. They have indeed diced with death, putting an inconceivable strain on Those Who are pledged to help them.
Men, of course, know little or nothing of this escape, and continue blithely on their path. That this path leads only to a desert wasteland they have yet to understand, so steeped are they in materialistic ambition.
The light dawns
Great are the possibilities which await men's creative efforts, however, and great will be their achievements when the light dawns and the blinkers drop from their eyes. This realization will come when men turn inwards again, and find within their hearts the brotherhood and unity which all instinctively crave.
Then will come the blossoming of new hope and inspiration, leading men to renew their upward climb, and to the creation of a better world. Simplicity and honest effort will replace the present corruption which stains every aspect of men's lives today. Men will seek to emulate Maitreya and His group of Masters, and so purify their structures and standards.
With Maitreya and His group to guide them, men will grow to love the simplicity of the new structures, and in them find a deep satisfaction and coherence. They will feel at ease in a world shorn of competition and the tension which it brings. Working together in co-operation they will find a profound happiness and fulfilment in all that they do.
Maitreya will stint nothing of His help and advice, nor shall We, your Elder Brothers, in Our efforts to inspire the building of the new civilization. The wonders which will grace this coming edifice will delight and astonish all men. Each will have a part to play in its construction and all will give of their best in its achievement. Thus will it be.
Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity. The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.
The above article is published in the July 2007 issue of Share International magazine.
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