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Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.
A very simple & potent way to serve humanity & help transform our world
Published on November 18, 2006 By
Do you want to help the world and, at the same time, build a stronger Connection with your own spiritual nature?
Transmission Meditation is the simplest way to do both.
Transmission Meditation is both a world service (Karma yoga) and the most potent technique of personal development (Laya yoga) available today. This meditation is a virtual 'hot house' for the spiritual growth of those who participate on a consistent basis. It provides a vehicle for service affecting the entire evolution of humanity for the better.
Transmission Meditation is safe, scientific, nondenominational, and unbelievably potent. There is never any fee to participate. It will not interfere with any other religious or spiritual practice.
In fact, it will enhance your personal meditation and any other service activities in which you may be engaged. Many people find they can experience and demonstrate love more easily. Others report that their minds are more stimulated and creative.
About Transmission Meditation
Edited talk by Benjamin Creme
Many people today are standing on the verge of discipleship. Whether they know it or not, they have already made a considerable contact with their own soul. As soon as you make contact with your soul, inevitably you will desire to serve in some way. You become somewhat more altruistic, more impersonal, and you see a life as something that you want responsibly to fulfill in service to the world in some way or other.
The problem today is that people have to work so hard just to make a living that they have no time and no energy to engage in either meditation or service to any great extent. It is precisely for these people that Transmission Meditation has been created.
It was introduced by my Master in 1974. The first Transmission Meditation group was formed in London in March of that year. There is now hundreds of such groups all over the world, many in countries to which I have gone, others where I have never been. These Transmission Meditation groups form themselves and do an enormous beneficial service to the world.
Transforming the energies
The Masters of Wisdom are the custodians of all the spiritual energies entering the planet. These energies come from cosmic, solar, and extra-planetary sources, and are, therefore, very high in vibration. If the Masters simply sent them into the world as They receive them, they would for the most part be too high; they would simply bounce off the mass of humanity and would be of little use. So Transmission Meditation groups have been formed to act scientifically as a kind of bridge between the Hierarchy of Masters, who seek to carry out the plan of evolution through humanity, and the disciples in the outer field. In this way the energies are stepped down.
The energies are sent through the chakras — usually the heart, throat, and head centers (one between the eyebrows and one at the top of the head). In this way the energies go through one side and come out the other side, so to speak, and are automatically stepped down. The people in the group have nothing to do with this transforming; they are simply sitting there. The energies are then sent out, not by the group, but by the Masters to wherever they are needed in the world, which might be to avert a war or to create certain conditions. It might be simply to top up the reservoir of spiritual energy in the world from which all can drink.
That is the service aspect of Transmission Meditation. It is a gift. You simply sit there and let the Masters send Their energy through you.
Effects on the individual
At the same time, it is not possible to have these great spiritual forces transmitted scientifically through your chakras without being transformed by them. It is a kind of spiritual ‘hothouse’, a forcing process, by which means in one year of correct, sustained Transmission Meditation you can make the same kind of spiritual advance as in 10, 15, perhaps even 20 years, of ordinary meditation. But not everybody wants to be a hothouse grape, however advanced they have become. People are lazy, frightened, and have all sorts of reasons for not doing Transmission Meditation. The first requirement is the desire to serve, and that will only come to you if you are already in some kind of contact with your own soul.
You would not even be interested in Transmission Meditation if your soul were not prompting you to the need for meditation of some kind. Whether you make use of the energy of the soul and this opportunity to serve is entirely up to you. It will follow from the strength of your commitment to the needs of the world and your response to soul impression and purpose.
When you join a Transmission Meditation group, you will find that they begin the evening by saying, aloud, and with the attention focused on the ajna center (between the eyebrows), the great mantram or prayer called the Great Invocation, which was used by Maitreya, the World Teacher, for the first time in June, 1945. He was allowed to use it as the result of His decision to return to the everyday world, which is now taking place. Not a day goes by that He does not intone that mantram and send His energies into the world.
Beyond this, it requires only that you hold your attention at the ajna center for the length of the transmission of the energies. That is the only difficulty because, in practice, you will find that your attention will drop, sometimes after only a few seconds, to its usual abode somewhere around the solar plexus.
When your attention drops, you can bring it back to the ajna center by inwardly, silently, thinking the mantram ‘Om’. As soon as you think Om, you will find your attention automatically back at the point between the eyebrows, and you are once again in the transmission.
You simply repeat that process over and over again as necessary. You do not meditate on the Om; you do not sit and say, “Om, Om, Om.”
But when you realize that your attention has dropped, you simply think Om; you do not say it aloud. It has more effect that way. That is all you have to do. The rest of the work is done for you by the Masters.
In esoteric terms Transmission Meditation is the combination of two yogas: karma yoga, the yoga of service, and laya yoga, the yoga of the chakras — the energies. Either is a powerful mode of advancement.
Together they are incredibly powerful. In the hands of the Masters this is an entirely safe activity. They know precisely how much energy any individual can safely handle. One of the reasons for doing it in a group is that in group formation more energy can be safely transmitted than through the same number of people meditating on their own.
Service for life
Once you engage in Transmission Meditation you have a mode of service for life if you so choose. It will last you to the end of this life and the next, and on and on into infinity. Throughout cosmos there are always Beings Who are transmitting Their energy down through those of lesser advancement, who are, in turn, transmitting that energy down through those of even lesser advancement. This is how cosmos proceeds.
There are Masters on all the planets, and They are transmitting energy to Their disciples, who are transmitting it down through the human kingdom to the animal, to the vegetable and to the mineral kingdoms. We are all working together throughout cosmos, even though we are only aware of our own little group, and perhaps aware of the Spiritual Hierarchy as a theory rather than as direct knowledge.
So you see how important this work can be if you take it seriously. If you do not take it seriously there is no point in doing it at all. The energies released by the Masters in this way embody great Ideas. These become our Ideals. As we manifest and fulfil these Ideals, our planet and the lives of all are transformed. It is an extraordinary experiment. It is unique in the world, and it may well be a turning point in your life.
Transmission Meditation Link
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on Nov 18, 2006
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