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Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.
Published on September 8, 2006 By
Various phenomena, documented data, personal experiences of many people, statements of some worldly renown politicians and books by several authors testify to the existence of self-realised, very wise and ethical individuals on our planet. They are called also the Masters of Wisdom, due to their mastery in the expression of their inner, spiritual nature (spiritual values) and Maitreya is at the head of this group.
There are some world leaders and politicians who openly speak about meeting Maitreya. Among them are the former South African president Nelson Mandela, the president of South Korea and Nobel Laureate for Peace Kim Dae Jung, and American diplomat Wayne Peterson. Because of energies of extraordinary love and peace emanating from him, and due to his known image from the Christian religion, some have recognised him as the historic Christ. His name, as he himself says, is not important.
Many other politicians, economists and scientists will speak openly about their contacts with the Masters later, because the Masters do not wish that either themselves or their teachings would be accepted because of authority of influential people, speaking about them. The acceptance of the Masters by humanity must be spontaneous, and in the spirit of free will of majority. There will certainly be some people who will object to any change of present institutions because they profit a lot on behalf of taking advantage of other people and of nature. But the majority will, hopefully, respond positively.
Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, but as an educator in the broadest sense - pointing the way out of humanity's most critical problems.
At this time of great political, economic, and social crisis, Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation.
In 1988, Maitreya began appearing, both in person and in dreams, to well-known leaders in various countries and to many ordinary citizens. World detente and the release of tension which followed from these appearances has allowed more open signs of his presence.
At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will demonstrate his true identity. Through a growing public response to his presence, Maitreya will be invited to speak to the entire world via the linked television satellite networks. On this Day of Declaration, we will see his face on television, but he will not actually speak. Instead, each of us will hear his words telepathically in our own language as he simultaneously impresses the minds of all humanity. Even those who are not watching Maitreya on television will have this experience. His energy of love will enter the hearts of all, galvanizing humanity to save the world. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world. In this way we will know that Maitreya is truly the World Teacher for all humanity.
As a modern man concerned with today's problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of His extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the unification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people's voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.
Outwardly Maitreya has met with influential leaders from all fields, informing them of His solutions to our pressing problems. His message can be summarized as: "Share and save the world." He has not come to found a new religion but as an educator in the broadest sense. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global co-operation.
For those who seek signs of His coming, Maitreya has manifested miracles worldwide, touching the hearts of millions and preparing them for His imminent appearance.
With Maitreya and His group working openly in the world, offering Their guidance and teachings, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.
According to Benjamin Creme, we do not have long to wait to see Him. Soon, Maitreya will be interviewed on major US television and His open emergence will begin.
Benjamin Creme regularly lectures worldwide, and appears on television and radio - in the USA alone he has been interviewed on more than 300 radio and television shows. He is author of 10 books - translated into 11 languages - and is editor of Share International magazine which circulates in 70 countries. He receives no money for any of this work. Benjamin Creme offers a positive view of the future - a message of hope for the world.Benjamin Creme, who announced the arrival of Maitreya in the Seventies is referred by the media as a "Modern Day John the Baptist". He also conducts Transmission Meditation groups (also free of charge).
To Find out more, please go to Share International
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